“Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.” (Psalm 119:105)
The Bible teaches and guides us in all aspects of our lives. We call the Bible God’s Word because that’s exactly what it is! It is God’s living, breathing message for all of His created people.
Just as the Bible speaks into our theology, behavior, and circumstances, so too does it inform our understanding of our identity in Christ. The passages that you will work through in this section are designed to lay a foundation for your work in discovering your identity in Christ. The method you’ll use is called “Discovery Bible Study.” This framework can be used when digging into any part of the Bible at any time. In this case, we’ve added one additional question to the process which will specifically guide you in thinking through your identity formation.
For each of the passages below, please follow this process:
1) Pray that God would speak to you during this time.
2) Read the passage all the way through at least two times.
3) Restate or summarize the main ideas of the passage. You can do this in your mind, in discussion with others, or by writing out a few bullet points.
4) Answer the following questions:
What did I like about this passage?
What challenged or concerned me about this passage?
What does this passage teach me about God?
What does this passage teach me about myself?
How could this passage inform my identity in Christ?
We suspect it will take 10-30 minutes for each passage, depending on your pace.
Find Ephesians 1:3-14 and dig into it using the Discovery Bible Study method.
Find Psalm 139:1-18 and dig into it using the Discovery Bible Study method.
Find Hebrews 10:19-25 and dig into it using the Discovery Bible Study method.
Additional Resources
Looking to study further? Check out these additional passages!
Genesis 2
Jeremiah 29:10-14
Romans 8:1-17
Philippians 3:20
Looking for new (or first ever) Bible of your own? Here’s a few great ones!
If you’re looking to strengthen your muscles of understanding and applying the Bible to your life, here are a few great resources!