“The journey in discovering your true identity in the kingdom of God is an eternal journey. There is no end to the depths of who God made you to be.” (Living Fearless, 30)

This quote by author Jamie Winship describes a concept that is often underrepresented in the church. The resources shared throughout this page are designed to help all of us pursue a deeper understanding of who God made us to be. As you listen, read, pray, and discuss the following material, we encourage you to regularly ask this question to God - “Is there anything you would like me to hear about my identity in Christ right now?”

Please re-read the quote above. In many ways, the journey of discovering your identity in Christ is an ongoing process of revelation, application, and reflection. The goal of these exercises is not for us to “arrive” at understanding our identity. Instead, they help put words to the eternal story that God is writing in each of our lives.

The goal of these resources is to help you each of discover the unique identity we have been given in Christ. If we want to be a people who build and share authentic community with others, then we must first know who we are. Those who have gone on this journey and discovered their God-given identity will tell you that it brings significant focus to their purpose and calling in all aspects of their lives.

Please check back on this page regularly, as we will add new resources as they become available. If you have any questions about these resources or would like to share a story of how God is using them in your life, we encourage you to email us at community@westgatemn.church.

  • Click here to listen to this discussion between Susie Larson and Jamie Winship titled “Discovering and Living Out Your True Identity with Jamie Winship” (50 minutes).

  • Journal or reflect upon the following questions - “In what ways am I excited about discovering my identity in Christ? In what ways am I afraid of this journey?”

  • Set aside some quiet time with God. Share with Him the thoughts on your heart and mind, and ask Him, “Is there anything you’d like to reveal to me about my identity in Christ?”

Additional Resources

  • These resources are being offered through a “courses” feature of our website provider. Once you’ve completed a “lesson” just click “Complete and Continue” and it will mark that page off on the progress bar. You may choose to follow the “lessons” in sequential order or you may decide to jump around. It’s up to you!

    Your “progress” will be tracked based on the device you use, so if you’re accessing the content on different devices you’ll need to remember which you’ve completed and which you haven’t.

    Feel free to reach out to us at any time if you’re having trouble using the site! community@westgatemn.church

  • Click here to order the book!