
We consciously and confidently call ourselves a church family here at Westgate. God designed the church to be united in love, support, and inspiration for one another.

“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ.” 1 Corinthians 12:12

Friendship and collaboration are as vital now as they’ve ever been. One of the most common affirmations about Westgate Church is that people build genuine relationships when engaging in this community. We believe that everyone who walks through our doors and participates in the life of this church is fully part of this church family, regardless of whether they are formal members of the church or not. However, we encourage membership because it signifies a heightened level of commitment to the ongoing work of the church. Often it is the members who are first to raise their hands to serve, first to give financially, and first to be active in prayer. Members also represent the voting population of the church which weighs in on critical congregational decisions.

If you call Westgate your church home and want to continue your journey as a part of this church family, we encourage you to follow three simple steps!

The Process

Fill out this interest form.

Review the materials provided via email and complete the attached application.

Meet with two members of the Leadership Board to answer a few questions and ask any of your own!


We know that baptism can be a confusing and challenging subject for some, and many churches and denominations have different theological and practical viewpoints. At Westgate, we seek to live in a space where baptism is emphasized as an important and meaningful step of faith for those who have become followers of Jesus, without overemphasizing any legalistic expectations about its necessity for one to be “saved.”

“Peter replied, “Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” Acts 2:38

We want you to hear the main message that Jesus seeks disciples who faithfully believe He is their personal source of hope and salvation. This reality infuses transformation into every facet of our human experience. Baptism is a biblical command because of the significance it represents for the inner transformation in a believer’s life.

If you have questions about what it means to follow Jesus, or if you have further questions about baptism, please email us and a pastor will follow up with you!

From the earliest days of Christianity, baptism has been a meaningful practice for allowing followers of Jesus to publicly express their commitment to faith in Him.

The Process

Fill out this interest form.

A pastor will follow up with you to discuss further, answer your questions, and arrange logistics.

Select a pastor or fellow believer to perform your baptism on your selected date!