Jesus made our purpose as his followers clear when he said, “As the Father sent me, so I am sending you” (John 20:21). Powered by the Holy Spirit working inside of us, we are sent to represent the love of Jesus in our everyday lives. Serving others is not merely one of the many important things a church does; it defines the church’s existence.
Local impact
Not only do we want to be a church of individuals who love and serve those in their neighborhoods, workplaces and schools; we also place a high priority on partnering with a number of local organizations and missionaries. Whether through our volunteer partnerships, our financial support, or our annual “Serve Day,” we have seen life change and societal impact through these efforts, and we look forward to seeing God continue making an impact through Westgate Church.
As we pursue our renewed vision to build authentic community and share that community throughout the Twin Cities, we are looking for many people within the church to join us in praying and discerning the specific ways He wants us to take action. If you’re interested in joining that effort, please email us at
Featured local partner:
Every Meal is an organization dedicated to fighting child hunger. More than 300,000 children in Minnesota live with food insecurity. Every Meal fights child hunger by focusing on filling the food gaps children face on weekends, extended breaks, and summer when they’re not able to access school meal programs. When they don’t have consistent access to enough food, the risk of hunger is very real. One way to address this is to distribute bags of food to students at their schools, typically on Fridays, so they have a reliable, nutritious food source for the weekends. Volunteers are needed for food packing events and to distribute food to students. To learn more visit or email Mike Brinkman.
Global impact
Our church is committed to partnering with faith communities and gospel movements around the world. We focus our efforts on partnering with missionaries and their families who are living out their calling to bring the hope of Jesus Christ to all corners of the world.
Click here for a list of our partner organizations and missionaries. If you have further questions, please contact Mike at
Featured global missionary:
Mama Betty
Betty Mahangu is founder of the Marangu School of Tourism and Vocational Training (MSTVT) in Tanzania. Betty trains youth from poor families, providing them with a two-year certificate in tourism and other occupations. She also partners with the pastor of her neighborhood and teaches Bible classes. We are grateful to call her a partner in ministry! Click here to listen to our podcast with Mama Betty. Click here to watch our video with Mama Betty.
International Outreach Ministry
God blessed us with a unique opportunity to meet international students at the University of Minnesota and working professionals. Many who come through the ministry walk through a journey from having never heard of Jesus to becoming faithful servants of Christ. The International Outreach Ministry meets in groups throughout the week and here at Westgate Church on Sunday mornings. They are open to anyone curious about the Christian faith or interested in sharing faith with others from different cultures.
To learn more, please contact Sai at
Looking to make an impact within the ministries of Westgate? We would love to have you serve! Just click the link below and you’ll see a full list of available roles!