1.12.2025 | Moses Led the Israelites
Getting a snack from the highest shelf of the pantry, learning how to ride your bike, learning to tie your shoes—these are just some things that we can’t do unless someone helps us. It can be hard to ask for help because we want to do things on our own, but we can do more and feel better about our work when we do it together!
Moses had some tough jobs as the leader of God’s people. One of his jobs was to be a judge for the people. The people would come to Moses to complain and present their case. It was long and lonely work for Moses. Jethro, Moses’ father-in law, observed this and saw that it was not good for Moses to do it all on his own every day.
Jethro gave Moses advice about leading the people. He told Moses that it wasn’t good to lead alone. He encouraged Moses to choose trustworthy men to act as judges over smaller groups of people. Then, Moses would not have to work so much, and the people would not have to wait so long to solve their problems.
Moses needed others to help him lead God’s people and teach them God’s laws. Just as Jethro did not want Moses to lead alone, God does not want us to follow Jesus alone. God gave us brothers and sisters who love Jesus and encourage us to love God and obey God and tell others about Jesus.
Moses was a great leader, but he was just a man. He was not able to meet all the needs of all the people by himself. Jesus is fully man and fully God. He is able to hear and respond to all of our prayers, and His death and resurrection provides salvation to everyone who trusts in Him.
Memory Verse & Question
Family Prayer Time
Ask God to give you the wisdom and humility to ask for help today. Ask Him to show you the areas where you need help and the people He has given to help with your needs.
Thank God for meeting all our needs in Jesus. Thank Him for sending Jesus to cover our greatest need—the forgiveness of sin and a perfect Savior to lead us. How does our need for forgiveness help point us toward Jesus?
Family Activities
For Fun
Play a game with your kids where you hold your hands behind your back and let them take turns slipping their arms under yours to act as your hands. Let them “help” you make a sandwich and eat it. Mention how fun it is to be the hands for someone else. This week encourage your kids to be the hands for someone you know who could use some help. You could hold the door open at the store, make a meal for another family, or serve in a local ministry as a family. Read 1 John 3:23 and discuss how we can help by loving and praying for one another.
To Serve
Contact your church and ask for ways you can help or encourage the facilities staff. If possible, assist in cleaning, setting up, or maintenance needs around the church. Explain to kids that working together means more work can be done quicker, but the greatest benefit is building relationships as you work alongside others.