1.5.2025 | God Provided for His People
Exodus 15:22–17:7
Did you know there are world records for food? For instance, the largest chocolate peanut butter cup weighs more than 440 pounds. The longest rolled fruit snack was as long as a football field at 300 feet long. In 2011, the largest hamburger for sale was created in California and weighed 777 pounds. Can you imagine trying to eat that much food?
When the Israelites crossed the Red Sea, they started complaining to Moses because they had nothing to eat or drink. I bet they would have loved to have a bite of that 777-pound hamburger! But God gave them something greater than a hamburger. God heard their cries, and He gave the Israelites quail every evening and manna every morning.
This bread was a symbol of God’s faithfulness to meet the needs of His people. God gave the Israelites instructions for when to collect the manna and how much to eat. God provided this thin,flaky bread every morning for 40 years! That equals to more than 7,000 gallons of manna per person! That should be a world record!
The people complained against Moses and against God, but God still chose to give them the food and water they needed. We are all sinners and are enemies of God, but Christ still chose to die for us so that we might be saved.
Memory Verse & Question
Family Prayer Time
Thank God for the ways He has taken care of your family. How has God provided for your family? How can you give thanks for His provision?
Ask God to help you grow in contentment. Like the Israelites, we can grumble and complain for more. How can thanking God for all He has provided help us to remain content? How has He already provided everything we need in Jesus?
Family Activities
For Fun
Make a list of things you need to live, like shelter and water. Assign a different family member to read each of the following scriptures: Psalms 81:10, Malachi 3:10, and Philippians 4:19. Discuss how the whole Bible points to God’s provision for us through Jesus. We can give thanks because God provides for our needs.
To Serve
Go shopping for supplies to put into a “Care Kit” for those in need. Include items like toothpaste, socks, lip balm, lotion, sanitizer, and bottled water. Place the items in a ziplock bag with a note that says, “God loves you.” Keep the bag in your car and be ready to give it away the next time you see someone in need.