10.13.2024 | Abram Followed God
Genesis 11:27-13:18
If someone asked, “Who is your favorite athlete?”, you would likely choose a superstar on your favorite team or a player who always makes unbelievable plays. It would be odd to say your favorite player is someone who sits on the bench and never plays. Why would you choose someone like that?
When God chose Abram and promised to make his family as many as the stars in the sky, it seemed like an odd choice. Abram was a very old man who didn’t even have children. How would it be possible for Abram to be the father of a great nation? Why would God choose someone like that? Abram did not seem like the best choice to carry out God’s plan, but God’s plan did not depend on Abram’s ability. This plan was up to God, and it could not fail because He is faithful and true. He will always do what He says He will do.
God chose Abram because He is the God who makes all things possible! God showed His faithfulness and power by giving Abram and Sarai a son when they were almost 100 years old! Through that son, God built the nation of Israel, His chosen people. From this nation, just as God promised, Jesus was born.
God is faithful. He will always keep His promises. 1 John 1:9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” God kept His promise to bless the world through Abraham, and He will keep His promise to save all who believe in Jesus!
Abram believed God’s words and obeyed God’s call to leave his land and his family. God promised to bless Abram and the whole world through one of Abram’s descendants. God kept this promise when He sent Jesus, who left heaven and came into the world to rescue sinners.
Memory Verse & Question
Family Prayer Time
Praise God for His promise to be with you wherever You go. How does knowing God is with you help throughout your day?
Ask God to help you trust His plan for your life—even when things seem impossible. How does God’s goodness and power bring me peace when the future is unclear?
Family Activities
For Fun
On a clear night, challenge kids to count as many stars as they can. When they give up counting, talk about God’s promise to give Abraham as many descendants as the stars in the sky. God’s promise was to make Abraham’s family a blessing to the whole world. Remind kids that this promise was ultimately fulfilled when Jesus—born into the family line of Abraham—came to offer forgiveness and salvation to anyone who believes in Him.
To Serve
Volunteer with a local organization that supports foster and adoptive families. Collect donations, provide meals, or offer to babysit. After serving, read Galatians 3:29 as a family. Remind kids that anyone who believes in Jesus Is adopted as a son or daughter of God and is included in all the promises God has made!