10.20.2024 | God’s Covenant with Abraham

Genesis 12:1-3; 15; 17:1-9 

Abraham believed God’s promise, but he still wondered how God would make it happen. God gave Abraham another reminder of His promise. If you remember this week’s Bible story, you probably thought it was very different and a little odd. 

God had Abraham sacrifice animals and lay the two halves on opposites sides of a path. While this might seem surprising to us, it was familiar for Abraham. This was common for kings, military leaders, or even businessmen to make this type of agreement with one another. After making an agreement, the two parties would walk together through the middle of the animals as a way of saying, “Let what happened to these animals happen to me if I break my promise.” 

Abram probably understood this ceremony and what it meant. But God demonstrates grace for us by putting a very interesting twist on the ceremony. When it comes time to seal the deal, God puts Abram in a deep sleep. Then, God makes the covenant with Abram and moves through the path all by Himself. This is God’s amazing grace! 

God was showing Abraham that He would be faithful to keep His promise. And this promise was not dependent on what Abraham could do but on what God would do. We see God uphold His side of the deal with Abraham, and many years later He sends Jesus as the ultimate display of His grace. On the cross, Jesus took the punishment for sin that we deserved, and He gives us the opportunity to have a relationship with God that we definitely do not deserve. That is amazing grace! 

God kept His promises to Abraham. Abraham became the father of the nation of Israel. Jesus came into the world as a descendant of Abraham to fulfill God’s promise. All who place their faith in Jesus are part of God’s family forever. 

Memory Verse & Question

Family Prayer Time


Give thanks to Jesus for the sacrifice He made to save us from our sins. What did Jesus do to save us from our sins? Why was He the perfect sacrifice? 


Thank God for the pastors at your church and ask God to bless the work they do. How can we be encouraging to those who teach us about Jesus? 

Family Activities

For Fun 

Pick a prize or reward for your family if they can complete a series of tasks, but make the tasks impossible for kids to complete on their own. After they attempt the challenge, talk about their inability to complete the tasks and whether they deserve the reward. Grant the reward or prize even though kids did not complete the challenge. Remind them of God’s promise and fulfillment to Abraham based on His grace—not Abraham’s performance—while you enjoy the reward together. 

To Serve 

Take your family to a local animal shelter to play with dogs, serve by cleaning kennels, or donate supplies. Talk about the families who will adopt these dogs and give them a home. Remind kids that it is because of Jesus that we can be part of God’s family forever. 


10.27.2024 | Abraham and Isaac


10.13.2024 | Abram Followed God