11.10.2024 | Jacob and Esau
Genesis 25:27-34; 27:1-41
Have you ever wanted something so badly that you’d do anything to get it …even lie or cheat? Sometimes the people who create video games will also create cheat codes. These cheat codes are made to give you a special advantage and easily win the game. Even when you could win the game on your own, you might be tempted to use the cheat code to make it easier or faster.
Even though God had already promised that He would continue His covenant through Jacob and now Esau, Rebekah and Jacob chose to trick Isaac. They dressed Jacob up and pretended to be Esau so that he could receive the father’s blessing. God had told Rebekah— before her children were even born—that Jacob would carry on the promise He had made to Abraham. Rebekah and Jacob had a hard time trusting and waiting on God’s promise, so they lied and cheated to get what they wanted sooner.
The powerful message of this story is that God kept His promise to Rebekah about Jacob even though they didn’t trust in His timing. That’s the wonderful thing about God: He is faithful even when we are not. God always keeps His promises because He is faithful!
God’s covenant with Abraham continued to the next generation. Esau sold his birthright, giving Jacob the right to the wonderful blessings God promised to his father Abraham. Through Jacob’s family, God would send the promised Savior to bring blessing and salvation to the world.
Memory Verse & Question
Family Prayer Time
Thank God for His control over everything. How does God’s supreme control over everything help you feel calm when life is hard?
Ask God to give you wisdom to obey Him and stay within His plan for your life. How does it feel to know that God had a plan for you before you were born? Why is it good for us to walk in the path He has for us?
Family Activities
For Fun
Gather scraps of colored paper. Rip the paper into small pieces about the size of a quarter. As a family, work together to create a piece of mosaic art using the torn pieces of paper. Some ideas might be to create a cross, your last name, or the word “Promise” using the paper pieces. As you work on the mosaic art, review the story of Jacob and Esau. Remind your kids that God was faithful to keep His promise to Rebekah even when she messed up. Like the torn pieces of paper forming a piece of art, God uses every part of our story—even the hard parts—to point us to Jesus. Through Jesus, God can take our broken lives and give new life that is for His glory!
To Serve
Make a large pot of soup or chili. Divide the food and share with a neighbor or family member. If possible, share with them what your family is learning about God’s faithfulness. Pray that the recipients of the food will trust and follow God’s plan for their lives.