11.3.2024 | A Wife for Isaac
God’s promise to make Abraham’s family as many as the stars could only be fulfilled if Isaac had a wife, but not just any wife. She needed to be from the homeland of Abraham and had to agree to move to the land where Isaac lived. This would be a tough search, but God provided.
The servant who went to search for a wife found a woman named Rebekah. God made Rebekah to be the perfect match for Isaac. God showed the servant that Rebekah was who should marry Isaac, so the servant gave her many gifts to show how much she would be loved and cared for by Isaac.
God always keeps His promises. He kept His promise to Abraham by giving Rebekah as a wife to Isaac. But in an even greater way, God shows us His faithfulness by sending Jesus as the One who would love us and give His life to save us from our sin.
God was faithful to provide a wife for Isaac. Abraham’s servant brought back Rebekah so Isaac could know and love her. God sent His servant—Jesus—to seek and save people from sin and death. Jesus was faithful. He died and rose again so that people could know and love Him.
Memory Verse & Question
Family Prayer Time
Praise God for the blessings He has provided in your life. How do these things show You God’s goodness and love? How should they motivate you to praise and give thanks to Him?
Ask God to remind you of His love for you and your family. How does the stress and hard moments of life make us forget God’s love? How does remembering God’s amazing love help us to face even the hardest moments?
Family Activities
For Fun
If you are married, take a night this week to look through photographs or videos from your wedding. Share with your kids the story of how you and your spouse met and fell in love. Review the story of how God provided Rebekah as a wife for Isaac. Then, read Psalm 139:13- 18 aloud to the family. Talk about how God has a plan for our lives—even before we are born. Remind children that we can trust God because He is faithful and does everything for His glory and our good!
To Serve
Volunteer to babysit for a young family to provide a date night for the parents. Consider giving the couple a gift card to cover their dinner. Pray for their marriage and talk with your kids about the story of Isaac and Rebekah.