12.22.2024 | Jesus is Our Greatest Gift
Matthew 1; Luke 2
In the Gospel accounts of Christ’s birth, the miraculous plans of God coincide with the seemingly mundane events of humanity to reveal the promised Messiah. God used modest means to bring about the divine incarnation of His only Son who would deliver us from the death we deserve.
Where was Jesus’ birth prophesied in the Old Testament? How does His birth make a way for people to receive the gift of eternal life?
Jesus’ genealogy, found in Matthew 1, demonstrates how the long-awaited Savior can be traced back to Abraham. Later, in verse 23, we read the prophecy first relayed in Isaiah 7:14: “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: See, the virgin will conceive, have a son, and name him Immanuel.” In today’s passages—written about 700 years after the words of Isaiah—an angel of the Lord appeared first to Mary, then to Joseph, and later to the shepherds in the field, announcing this newborn baby as the Savior of the world. These ordinary people experienced God’s great power at work through the miraculous birth of Jesus.
Consider the grandness of the nativity story. Reflect on the wonder of Jesus coming to earth in such lowly form. The humble birth of Christ would lead to His humbling death: crucified and left to die among wretched sinners. Yet this would not be the end of His story—nor for those who trust in His name! In three days, Jesus would rise from the grave, and by faith in His finished work on the cross, we can be reconciled to God as recipients of His grace.
Memory Verse & Question
Family Activities
For Fun
Gather a non-breakable manger scene and hide the pieces around your house. Once all the pieces are found, open your Bible to Luke 2:1-20 and read the story of Jesus’ birth. As you read the story of Christ’s birth, encourage children to add pieces to the nativity and re-create the scene. Talk about how Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds may have felt when they heard the good news about Jesus being born.
To Serve
Make Christmas cards for senior adults or those unable to leave their home for Christmas church services. As your child delivers the cards, encourage them to say, “Jesus is the greatest gift, Merry Christmas!”
Family Prayer Time
Thank God for the gift of His Son, Jesus. Ask God for opportunities to tell others about the good news of Jesus today.
Talk about your day and praise God for the ways He took care of you. Discuss the challenging parts of your day and ask God for help and wisdom in how to love others well.